Argano Master Data Centralization

Streamline data management throughout every department, location, platform and process

Consistent accurate data across every business unit in the enterprise

For businesses with multiple entities, departments, or disciplines, data management is often handled in disparate ways across the enterprise, which can drive up costs, increase opportunities for error, and create security risks. With Argano Master Data Centralization (MDC) — a Dynamics 365 extension — capturing and managing data across myriad entities and locations is simplified, cost-effective and more secure.

Reduce operational costs and risk

Through Argano MDC, a business can create a shared center for data management that connect customer, vendor, product, service, and all related master data to one platform, reducing unnecessary manual tasks and operational costs. By centralizing and improving data administration, the module allows for more — and more complete — data oversight, reducing risk by creating a codified means of enforcing approvals on new and/or updated data.

Improve data integrity

Data integrity requires far more than just accuracy. With MDC, you can automate processes and remove opportunities for error to ensure master data content and practices are compliant with current regulatory standards — how it’s formatted, how it’s stored, and how it’s accessed. You’ll also enjoy a reduction of duplicate records to simplify reporting and processing.​

Connect disparate business units and workflows

For globally dispersed businesses, it is the data that connects workflows and people across the world. With MDC, the Argano 4 Microsoft team equips you with all you need to connect master data to business processes and projects, as well as to personnel (management, information architects, business users, and more). MDC increases both the availability and visibility of your most critical data sets.​

Shore-up security

Keeping your data secure is your number one priority. Master Data Centralization for Dynamics eliminates “back doors” as centralizing your data doesn’t just improve administration: it tightens security. Additionally, the extension enables simplified and secure role management. You can define permissions based on group and user levels, types of data, locations and more — all without slowing down overall business processes. ​