Microsoft Solutions for Nonprofit Organizations

Leveraging CRM, ERP and cloud technology to help fuel your mission

Improve relationships, build awareness, and streamline operations

Argano shares the mission with companies that are positively impacting the world. That’s why we are proud to assist nonprofits with the same Microsoft operational, financial, and customer engagement tools used by Fortune 100 organizations. Use our team for the technology, service, support, and strategic guidance to keep projects on track, optimize processes, empower your staff and volunteers, and ensure budgets are measured and met — helping to fulfill your vision. View the factsheet below to learn more about how Argano helps nonprofits benefit from enterprise level technology to fuel high performance operations across every aspect of financials: tracking of donations and expenses, creating audit trails, and automating backoffice workflows. 

View factsheet

Microsoft Dynamics for nonprofits

Microsoft has created unique features in its versatile, cloud-based CRM/ERP solutions specific to the needs of nonprofit companies. With Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can more easily manage donor and volunteer relationships, as well as grants and funding cycles. The Argano team equips you with the tools to build awareness and increase community engagement, monitor performance of fundraising efforts, track expenses, create audit trails, and more. We can also help you tap into discounts and grants from Microsoft’s Tech for Social Impact program which helps 300,000 nonprofits worldwide yearly.

Power Platform for nonprofits

There is no better way for a nonprofit to drive transformation and value than Microsoft’s Power Platform, which puts professional development tools into the hands of non-developers. Create reports and dashboards with Power BI build custom applications with Power Apps, make chatbots with Copilot Studio (Power Virtual Agent). Our team provides the Power Platform training and tools empowering nonprofits to reduce expenses without slowing progress.

Improved reporting and compliance

For many organizations, reporting is a time-consuming activity. Users must combine data from spreadsheets and actual paperwork, along with solutions that do not integrate with other software systems. When you shift these from manual ways of working, data is more accurate and more up-to-date. Time spent pulling data together by hand can be spent engaging with those in need and pursuing partnerships and donors. Microsoft Dynamics 365 can speed up this process for more informed decisions, less frustrations for staff, and better service to those who need it most.

Strategy and support service

It's not enough to have the same tools as Fortune 100 companies, your nonprofit organization also needs the IT team the big companies have to manage the technology. Changing how you do things is a requirement to leverage new, more efficient ways to work. We make sure you are not on your own. In addition to getting you started, we keep you going, equipping your organization to truly adopt these new ways of working so you can maximize ROI, while reducing overall IT spend.

Want to know more?

Contact us today to learn how our solutions fuel your high-performance business operations.

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