Microsoft Solutions for Retail and Consumer Goods

Put the customer in charge and drive more revenue

Creating omnichannel, customer-centric retail experiences

From optimizing sourcing and merchandising, to reducing the heavy lift for your staff, to building customer loyalty and rewards programs, our team has the retail and consumer goods expertise to transform the shopping experience for your customers and service teams alike. We help create data-driven solutions that enable retailers to quickly pivot based on changes in supply and demand to build customer relationships that last a lifetime. ​Learn more about our extensive retail services and solutons by clicking the factsheet below.

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A unified shopping experience

Meet your customers where they are with omnichannel retail solutions that create more engaging experiences, lift order averages, and increase the lifetime value of every customer relationship. Microsoft Store Operations Assist (SOA) is an application designed to enhance the efficiency of store operations and improve the overall customer experience. Start with our Operations AI Assist Proof of Concept for hands-on development, training and an implementation roadmap that ensures you will derive every possible benefit from one of Microsoft’s most powerful, agile retail applications.

The right product at the right time

IoT, feedback from mobile devices, customer interactions with POS systems — the data that improves the shopping experience for consumers is everywhere, and we can help you capture and act on it. Retailers can quickly optimize in-store operations and back-end distribution tasks while ensuring the right products are presented to the right customer at the right time.

The New Retail Reality

Discover the essential priorities for modern retailers, start incorporating the most important tech advances into your business, and learn how to thrive, not just survive, in today’s retail reality.

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Solving your staffing challenges

Ensuring your staff is as engaged as your customer base is critical. Our team helps build service systems that reduce manual tasks and help ensure each representative has the specific, actionable information required to completely serve each customer. With solutions such as CX Connect for Retail, we can automate customer interactions, speed up and improve case management, and increase satisfaction at all points of engagement.​

Uncovering actionable data

Data from every customer interaction may be used for more than creating seamless shopping experiences. We help you leverage this information to perfect pricing strategies, create and deliver compelling and timely upsells and upgrades, and much more. Partnering with Argano gives you enterprise-wide access to the customer data — buying histories, shopping preferences, demographics, web behavior — that speeds transactions and fuels growth.

Want to know more?

Contact us today to learn how our solutions fuel your high-performance business operations.

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