One Step Financial Consolidation

Extending Dynamics to empower the multi-entity, multi-national businesses

Streamlining consolidation across the enterprise, and across the world

Argano’s One Step Consolidation (OSC) extension for Dynamics is ideal for global businesses and organizations with multiple legal entities. By providing one application for all financial consolidation data, you are empowered with simplicity and a single source of truth for critical financial information. Optimized for performance, rerunning, and including audit trails – all right within Dynamics.

Reduce time and errors

Take financial consolidation tasks down to a few keystrokes and save countless hours of time, reduce opportunities for error, and benefit from functionality that confirms exchange rate values across multiple business units. When you are dealing with multiple currencies across multiple countries, manual consolidation can be a lengthy process. But with OSC, these processes can be significantly sped up.

Enhance auditability and reporting

Another strength of OSC is its ability to create audit trails using historical conversion data, no matter the sources. OSC is flexible enough to ensure your consolidation data is “reporting engine independent,” regardless of complexity. Reporting is detailed and — by leveraging tools such as Power BI — can be immediately visualized and shared with stakeholders. ​

Incorporate third-party data

OSC is flexible enough to work with external inputs as well — a critical feature for a business that has recently added new legal entities or gone through a merger, situations in which financial information is rarely on the same system. OSC creates an environment where all consolidation data is captured and handled the same way, bringing outside entities essentially under the same roof.

Get more value-add capabilities

OSC is one of many ways Argano works to extend and customize Dynamics. Other applications include Argano Data Insights (a templated data warehouse), Argano Audit and Security Manager (ideal for streamlining security and licensing duties), and Argano Master Data Centralization (expediting enterprise resource management). View all extensions here.