Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing implementation and support

Nurture campaigns, loyalty programs, insights: integrated within Dynamics 365 Marketing

Increase customer engagement and build lifetime value

Put the customer in charge, reduce the heavy lift for your people and create marketing programs that fuel customer satisfaction with Dynamics 365 Marketing and the Argano 4 Microsoft team. Our Dynamics experts and strategists build the solutions and campaigns that increase conversion rates and average order value, that connect customers with your brand and mission, and that fuel collaboration across sales, marketing, and operations.

Compelling, rewarding customer journeys

Ensure your customers always feel “at home” by creating customer journeys — online and off — that meet them where they are and present exactly what they want. Personae-driven and AI-fueled, the customer experiences you can build in Dynamics 365 Marketing incorporate triggers based on market segments, demographics, and buying behavior, providing a complete picture for your team and a rewarding journey for your customers.

Cross-channel campaigning

Dynamics 365 Marketing provides you with the tools required to build omnichannel campaigns that drive conversions and build loyalty. We help you transform customer emails, contact form submissions, and any customer inquiry into nurture campaigns that connect with customers across all channels: SMS, websites, direct response, telephony, and even in-person.

Complete customer intelligence

At every touchpoint — every click, every phone call, every event, every purchase — your customers are telling you something. With Dynamics 365 Marketing, you capture every input and create unified, data-rich, actionable profiles for every prospect and client, storing them centrally and creating a single source of truth for every sales and customer service representative.

Events, emails, everything

Our consultants help make Dynamics 365 Marketing into the hub for every marketing activity. Track events — budgets, teams, presentations, travel — manage customer communication across all channels, create and optimize customer loyalty and rewards programs, build webforms and self-service portals. With Dynamics 365 Marketing and the Argano 4 Microsoft team, there are no limits.